The Roots of Japanese-style Curry

Mar 26, 2016 21:38
Today, I will talk about the roots of Japanese curry.

The origin of curry is India, but Japanese-style curry was imported from the British Navy.

In the past, since refrigeration technologies had not been developed, the British Navy couldn't store milk that is an ingredient of a stew.

However, the British Navy learned that spices have an antiseptic effect while stopping over India, and developed British-style curry.

After the British-style curry was imported to Japan, Japanese people added flour and make it thickened to suit rice, which is the Japanese staple.

In this way, Japanese-style curry was made.

By the way, it is famous that people belonging to the Japanese Navy eat curry every Friday in Japan.

This custom was established so as not to forget the sense of days of the week.







No. 1 Timmy's correction
  • By the way, it is famous that people belonging to the Japanese Navy eat curry every Friday in Japan.
  • By the way, it is a well known fact that people belonging to the Japanese Navy (or: Navy people) eat curry every Friday in Japan.
  • This custom was established so as not to forget the sense of days of the week.
  • This custom was established in order not to lose the sense (or: track) of time.
Interesting! Never heard about British curry before to be honest )))
Thank you so much always for correcting my post!
Actually, I also didn't know it until yesterday, haha.
You're welcome!^_^